Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last night I had a crazy dream that I pulled my face to pieces, snapping my skull into little bits and throwing them over my shoulders. Then, once my head was gone, I reached through the gaping hole that was my neck and pulled out my skeleton and then I woke up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I wish I could say

Keeping my hands busy.

I hadn't cleaned my room since Halloween - my floordrobe has been converted to a neat drawer system.

I've included a before and after, they're just somewhat muddled. Here's a hint - the messy one is before ;]

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Charles - Diana - 1981

photo credit: these girls <3
Sooo last night I couldn't sleep. I took a standard table knife and started hacking up my old black jeans, I have removed Pikachu and the tacky blue lightning bolt I put there when I was in year nine. It's been so long since I got these jeans and they still don't fit... seriously? Fuck my life. I think I'll go kill myself now.

Nahh but really... breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Fingers crossed.

And my toes.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Let me tell you a story.

photo credit - www.sprego.com

It began in black and white, and it really was that simple.
A greyscale girl woke up in a greyscale world. She never believed in fairies and she never believed in colour, she never saw either so she never had any reason to.
Nothing happened for a very long time.
She grew up. She was a stay at home mother, her husband didn't love her and her kids were ungrateful. It's not like she wasn't beautiful or clever. They just never loved her and she never loved them.
Then one day she sat up straight in bed, very early in the morning. Her husband snored gently next to her - oblivious.
She saw the world in colour and it was beautiful, and she was happy.
And then she died.
It's not meant to make sense.


I just think they are really pretty.

Another little thing you don't care about;

But still, I wanted to put it down. This is pretty much everything I want for my birthday.

My mother is getting me the navy blue shoes and the reading glasses, and I'll probably just end up buying myself more incense and the lace up ankle boots from The Warehouse. I don't really spend my money on anything else - what little money I have.


Safety is a nice comfy bean bag in the sunny window where, despite the frost, you're warm and happy. Safety feels like that.
I'm safe.

I have to hand it to my mother - she really is the hypocrite of the century. I can remember countless times when she's come through the door and I've asked straight away "what's for dinner?" which results in a snappish "I've just come through the door!". But when I've just come through the door it's "you're just in time to dry the dishes!" which I did because I always do, and I didn't complain.

Then, when I was finished, I did some sewing - I took in a dress I've been putting off fixing for weeks, and a skirt that's followed me from Mother's house to Father's house to Mother's house without ever being stitched up. The sad truth is I probably will never wear the dress, it's so ugly. The fabric is just nice.

Oh, and one of my pictures is on randomgotbeautiful which made me smile - old news, but I thought it deserved a mention.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If one of us is leaving;

It's going to be you.

The feather I wear in my hair got all crumpled today :( but at least the sun was shining. I freeze to death if it doesn't and then I'm just all frozen and dead.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I know nobody cares, but I wanted to put it all into a list. After all - we all love music and we all love lists. Not that my list is in any order, aside from the number one which is and always will be Regina Spektor.
Other than that they are all as equal as a very equal thing.

Thinking in circles.

I am thinking in circles.

Now my thoughts are tessellating.

One of my thoughts, a pesky truncated icosidodecahedron, tells me something is wrong.

But my dodecahedron thought tells me everything is okay.

Iso-butyl-propanoic-phenolic acid makes my soul good.


My tongue should be cut out,

It is as black as the blasphemy that I speak of.

My lips that form the deceit,

Are as blue as the skin under your eyes.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Let's all wear sunglasses inside?

I think we need to take a moment to truly appreciate the little pink pill also known as Ibuprofen. It's the friend you turn to when Panadol no longer has an effect on you, but pain still does.
So thank you, my pink friend. You're a life saver.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I had a big rant to Sam and Bex today about human behaviour. I really do think about it too much. But Bex said it was interesting, I find it frustrating. Not that I'll ever actually understand humans. eo;rtyg76gb78g45nvy65r876gn4o FRUSTRATION KEYBOARD

Pretty much my rant was about how humans think they are so seperate from animals because we have thumbs and can talk, but if humans are all so intelligent http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a79/UnaLovesU2/chavs2.jpg why do we do stupid things?? Off topic.
My rant was about how we behave like animals. How the monkey in our head sometimes takes over.

It sounds really stupid now that I think about it but I swear it made sense.


The snow today was nice, even if there was only a little tiny bit. It flurried. I wish McFlurries were still alive.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I really like this...

photo credit - chloe - randomgotbeautiful.com
Cities by John Dohoney

You can learn everything about a city by watching its people

The speed they move tells you the cities attitude
fast, they run from life
slow, they observe it
the way they greet you
if they greet you
tells you what they think about man kind
friendly, they have hope
intreverted, their hope is lost
Their Height
tall, there's plenty of good food
with diners on each block
small, too many coffee shops

If the city has bridges
its people want to travel
If it has walls
its people want to stay
If the city has art
its people can find beauty in their city
If the city has sky scrappers
its people want to find beauty from their watch towers

The more people a city has
The more opportunity the city has

The more people a city has
The more ideas the city has

The more people a city has
The more history the city has

The more people a city has
The more war the city has

The more war a city has
The less people the city sees

Don't let the People destroy your City
because the City will destroy your People

The more people a city has
The more love the city has

The more love a city has
The more people the city has

The People produce their Cities
The People make their Cities
The People love their Cities
and the Cities produce their people
and the Cities make their people
and the Cities love their people

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I want to know.

What inspires you?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh yup, I'm crazy.

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Very High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High


Monday, June 8, 2009


Not that you care or anything, but it is really amusing to watch.

I have this idea that you should all just kind of think about what you and other people are good at instead of thinking about what other people are bad at.
For instance I'm quite good at scabbing money off people to buy coffee with. I'm also good at vacuuming and cooking.
Robyn is good at being beautiful and writing beautiful poetry. My neighbours are good at drinking copious amounts of Tui. Sam is good at art and shoppin'. The list goes on. aaaaand on...

And then the world will be a sunshiney happy place with everybody smiling and laughing and getting along.

I would like to take a moment...

...to jump up and down excitedly.
Thirty daysssssssssss. It's all good.

I know everybody these days skips breakfast but it's the most important meal of the day so you're all stupid. It's just that cereal is gross. First thing in the morning I bet you all crave a bowl of soggy, cold, sweet mush. Except if you're SamSam and are addicted to Nutri-Grain or Macey and you love Cheerios (not the sausage kind). I don't know, maybe you like cereal. Point is I don't and this is my blog. I also don't like jam.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Let's go to crazy places.

Of course you have done something just because it felt right at the time. Think back to when you were a child and you didn't care if you got your clothes muddy or if you got glue in your hair or if you got soaking wet. You just did it. Sometimes being muddy or soaking wet was the preferable outcome.

If you are afraid to waltz in a CD store then you are missing out.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Crazy towns.

I can't, for the life of me, remember who said this (it may have been SamSam but I really don't know) but somebody mentioned to me how the people in shows like Home and Away live really crazy lives - no one person has that much going on in their life, let alone a community with death and tragedy and scandal every day. Oh, and it takes more than four episodes to get over somebodies death.

Shows like that seem to be like some persons intricate doll game, they set themselves up a town with people and personalities and if it starts to get dull just kill off that person, make that one gay, give that one a drug problem...

Don't get me wrong, I'm as brain-dead as the next person as I sit down and lap up the ridiculous story presented to me near daily. But it deserves a little thought when you're getting four hundred and twenty minutes of watching a society where one wall gets built back up and another falls straight down per week.

Oh my long johns I am thinking about television. God help me.

I can see clearly now...

No, I really can't. I need me some glasses! But I don't want me some ugly glasses! I found these amazing glasses at Dog's Breakfast which I'm in love with.

But that is not the point.

What's his face from thingy who talked to us about stuff had a really good point about something. When he said that if you asked a five year old what they want to be they'll say straight away "ballerina" or "astronaut" or (if you're me) "old lady" (don't ask) but if you ask somebody my age they'll go "...dunno" which is... not such a satisfactory answer.
I mean, come on, even I know what I want to be. I'm not going to tell you but there is something.

I told my mum what I wanted to be and she only said "well, it's a very competitive business..." and told me to get a back up option. MUM THAT WAS MY BACK UP, AFTER THE LAST DREAM YOU CRUSHED.

I thought the parents job was to encourage. Guess not.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thirty two days, five hours and twenty nine minutes remaining.

Not quite exact seeing as I was born at around eight in the morning... but you get the gist. For my birthday I am asking my parents for two things:
  1. A pair of glasses from Dog's Breakfast ($49.90)
  2. A tattoo of a bird in a tree on my wrist (yeah, it's going to happen by the wayyy my dad said yes).

I'm sorry for Wednesday, I didn't actually kick you.
I was walking past you and my amazingly heavy bag (you have no idea how heavy that thing is) swung out and hit you lightly. Please don't overreact.
I have to ask though; why on earth do you hate me?? If you think I snob you in class then why is it I always saved a seat for you and talked to you and bought you food and gave you things and went places with you?? Doesn't sound like snobbing to me...
I'm still waiting for you to tell me exactly how I'm acting like a troll girl, and why I don't deserve any of the good things in my life.
I'm still waiting for you to tell me why you say such hurtful things about me.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

If I had to have a child...

...I would have a cute asian child.

If you take away the fact that I hate children.

So break me to small parts, let go in small doses.

I have a blister on my little toe and I must say it hurts like a hurting thing.

I had to write an apology letter to Sue and Karen for disappearing from sport... freaking sweet. Luckily fake apologies are easy peasy simple pimple:

Dear Sue and Karen,

I am very sorry for disappearing from sport yesterday, we were tired so we sat down on the grass and lost track of time. We will make sure not to let this happen again.

I understand this piles unnecessary extra work and worry and for that I apologize.




Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Guess what :O

Alex is a silly and I love him.

Wedding plans!

Robyn and I plan to get married, in beautiful dresses.
And a beautiful reindeer-cake.

It's going to be epic.